

Entries for this years event are no longer available. Visit the facebook page to see if any entrants can no longer run. Arrange an official transfer - Transfer of entry 

New to Road Running?

If you are a newcomer to the world of running or have been running for a long time but never entered a race then the Staines 10K is the event for you

It is a local race with a limit of 800 entries so it is not overwhelming.

All the race officials are from the surrounding area, runners or former runners and have been in 'your' shoes - but most importantly, are friendly and want you to have a great time. If you need advice or assistance on race day look for a flourescent jacket at Race HQ and they will be happy to help.

We are very lucky to have spectators along the route. If you put your first name on the front of your T-Shirt you are more than likely to be cheered on by complete strangers - a very welcome 'pickmeup' if you are struggling. 

The 10K distance is a little over 6 miles. It is far enough to be a challenge - double the distance of most park runs, but short enough to be walked if you need to. We only ask that you prepare a little so that you finish the race under 90 minutes (15 minutes per mile).

See the information below about how your time will be recorded.

Nothing can replace the adrenaline coursing your veins at the start and the euphoria of crossing the finish, obtaining a personal best time and knowing that the winter training has paid off, not to mention getting a finishers medal and a commemorative T-Shirt.......... Enjoy!

Age Limit

Runners must have attained the age of 17 on race day. If the entrant is under 18 on the day of the race then parental consent will be required and their details will need to be completed on the entry form.

Chip Timing

The Staines 10K uses shoe chip timing. Your race pack containing your shoe chip and race number will be available at Race HQ upon presentation of your entry confirmation email.

There will be two times recorded for each runner. The first is what is called the Gun Time. It's the official race time and is the time that the runner takes to complete the course from the time the gun was fired. Of course if you take say thirty seconds to cross the line this additional time is part of your race time. The second is the Chip Time (or Chip to Chip Time as it’s sometimes referred to). This is the time that the runner actually takes from the time they crossed the start line (even if they took thirty seconds to do so from when the gun was fired) to the time they crossed the finish line. However, this time has no relevance to the results whatsoever and is used for information purposes only.

As far as the rules of athletics are concerned the Gun Time is the important time, and this is what the results and prizes are based on, otherwise the race becomes a time trail where the winner need not be the first person to cross the finish line.

Race Numbers

Your race number will NOT be sent to you. It is to be collected ON THE DAY from Race HQ. It will be in your race pack along with your shoe timing chip. Please bring safety pins with you to attach your number to your vest or T-Shirt.

Please don't give your number to someone else without informing the organisers. This is a condition for entering the race and is extremely important especially in the event of illness or an accident during the event. It may also affect the results, and may mean someone getting a prize to which they aren't entitled. If you wish to transfer your entry to another runner please visit Transfer of entry .

Pin your race number on the FRONT of your running vest or ‘T’ shirt, where it is most visible for race officials. If your number can’t be seen, you may not be given a time and it may confuse the results for everyone. Runners who do not have a properly displayed number or are identified as running under the wrong name will be liable to disqualification.

Please complete the form on the back of your number with your name, contact details and any medical condition. This will help in the event of an accident or illness.