Rules of the race

  Race Discipline

The route runs on public roads. Keep to the left of the road or on the pavement during the race, take care when overtaking and make way for faster runners. If you need to stop or walk for any reason, please move to the side of the road, so as not to impede other runners. Instructions issued by the Police or Race Marshals, who will be wearing fluorescent yellow bibs, MUST be obeyed. They will advise you of any hazards. UK Athletics rules recognise the hazard of using personal music systems with headphones or earphones and prohibit their use in road races. Please restrict their use to your training runs.

Any athlete not complying with these rules is liable to disqualification. The Race Referee's decision is final at all times. This advice is for your own safety and that of other road users. Without your co-operation it is not possible to hold a race on public roads.


The event is run under UK Athletics competition rules and has attained the following Licence:


If you are affiliated to UKA you will be entitled to a discount on the entry fee. Please follow the correct link on the entry form. You will be required to enter your UKA Number and club name.

Personal Stereos

The use of any type of Personal Stereos, including MP3 players, Bone Conducting headphones and IPods are strictly PROHIBITED during the race. If you usually use these devices for training and need them to run – think again about entering this event. The roads are not closed to traffic – it is imperative that you are able to listen to the Marshals' directions.